Но на вскидку примерно такой:
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2*CPU Xeon E5335(2GHz/8MB/1333MHz); SvrSystem SR2520SAF; FB-DIMM 2048 Mb DDR-2 PC-5300 ECC; Mounting brackets; SlimLine DVD-ROM; 4*HDD 400GB SATA-II NS; Intel Pro/1000 EXPI9402PT Dual port Svr; Intel SRCSATA-WB
Кое как написал Ну так какую геометрию ставить? Как ее узнать? Или ее надо посмотреть в BIOS`е? Если да, тогда где? По стандарту у меня стоит 91204/255/63. Прошу помощи, т.к. железо простаиваетWarning: A geometry of 91201/255/63 for ad4 is incorrect. Using a more likely geometry. If this geometry is incorrect or you are unsure as to whether or not it`s correct, please consult the Hardware guide in docomentation submenu or use the (G)eometry command to change it now.
Remember: you need to enter whatever your BIOS thinks the geometry is! For IDE,it`s what you were told in the BIOS setup. For SCSI, it`s the translation mode your controller is using. Do NOT use a "physical geometry"