Непонятные процессы грузт проц

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Dark Smoke
ст. сержант
Сообщения: 313
Зарегистрирован: 2009-02-25 0:03:43
Откуда: Днепропетровск
Контактная информация:

Непонятные процессы грузт проц

Непрочитанное сообщение Dark Smoke » 2012-05-30 16:15:35

Это что такое? Как лечится?

Код: Выделить всё

last pid: 49451;  load averages:  2.11,  2.06,  1.75                                                 up 4+21:50:56  16:11:52
49 processes:  3 running, 46 sleeping
CPU: 95.7% user,  0.0% nice,  4.1% system,  0.0% interrupt,  0.2% idle
Mem: 115M Active, 3808M Inact, 1715M Wired, 257M Cache, 622M Buf, 29M Free
Swap: 50G Total, 344K Used, 50G Free

49357 root         1 119    0 15108K  8384K RUN     0  11:01 100.00% bzip2
 1675 root         1 117    0 11224K  1240K CPU1    1 109.5H 96.19% gpart
 1676 root         1  49    0  9124K  1116K piperd  1 655:30 10.06% egrep
37282 root         1  44    0 24204K  2968K select  1   3:50  0.00% syslogd
48068 ldap         6  44    0 48076K 10112K ucond   0   2:59  0.00% slapd
48154 root         1  44    0 61036K 11624K select  0   0:40  0.00% smbd
49379 root         1  44    0 61108K 11208K select  1   0:25  0.00% smbd
45415 darksmoke    1  44    0 44988K  6712K select  0   0:06  0.00% sshd
 1625 root         1  44    0 25300K  3984K select  1   0:05  0.00% sendmail
47685 bind         5  44    0 55472K 31720K kqread  0   0:04  0.00% named

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Зарегистрирован: 2007-07-26 8:53:49
Контактная информация:

Re: Непонятные процессы грузт проц

Непрочитанное сообщение ADRE » 2012-05-30 16:41:58

посмотреть какой порт они слушают, далее прибить и посмотреть что будет, а что за волшебный gpart? =)))

Dark Smoke
ст. сержант
Сообщения: 313
Зарегистрирован: 2009-02-25 0:03:43
Откуда: Днепропетровск
Контактная информация:

Re: Непонятные процессы грузт проц

Непрочитанное сообщение Dark Smoke » 2012-05-30 16:53:08

ага, со всем разаобрался, только джепарт не могу понять что сним делать

Код: Выделить всё

last pid: 50265;  load averages:  1.05,  1.13,  1.36                               up 4+22:30:45  16:51:41
39 processes:  3 running, 36 sleeping
CPU: 52.7% user,  0.0% nice,  0.9% system,  0.0% interrupt, 46.3% idle
Mem: 98M Active, 3891M Inact, 1684M Wired, 215M Cache, 595M Buf, 35M Free
Swap: 50G Total, 316K Used, 50G Free

 1675 root         1 118    0 11224K  1240K RUN     1 110.1H 100.00% gpart

если прибю диски будут видится?

Dark Smoke
ст. сержант
Сообщения: 313
Зарегистрирован: 2009-02-25 0:03:43
Откуда: Днепропетровск
Контактная информация:

Re: Непонятные процессы грузт проц

Непрочитанное сообщение Dark Smoke » 2012-05-30 17:23:39

Не не могу понять что делать совсем. Куда копать?

Код: Выделить всё

50338 root         1 119    0 15108K  8388K CPU1    1  19:21 100.00% bzip2
 1675 root         1 117    0 11224K  1240K RUN     0 110.5H 91.36% gpart
 1676 root         1  49    0  9124K  1116K piperd  0 661:51 10.25% egrep
37282 root         1  44    0 24204K  2968K select  1   6:51  0.00% syslogd
49379 root         1  44    0 62228K 11832K select  1   4:29  0.00% smbd
48237 root         1  44    0 62216K 10136K select  0   0:20  0.00% smbd
48152 root         1  44    0 61444K 10052K select  0   0:07  0.00% smbd
47685 bind         5  44    0 57520K 32328K kqread  0   0:06  0.00% named
 1625 root         1  44    0 25300K  3984K select  0   0:05  0.00% sendmail

Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 246
Зарегистрирован: 2008-08-06 8:25:42
Откуда: Красноярск

Re: Непонятные процессы грузт проц

Непрочитанное сообщение tynix » 2012-05-30 17:42:52

Похоже на скрипт, проверь кронтаб и at, что и откуда запускается, может его поправить и нормально будет, а может, он вообще не нужен.
ps aux тоже сюда во время загрузки проца.
Don' t panic !
cd /usr/ports && make srach
make: don't know how to make srach. Stop

Dark Smoke
ст. сержант
Сообщения: 313
Зарегистрирован: 2009-02-25 0:03:43
Откуда: Днепропетровск
Контактная информация:

Re: Непонятные процессы грузт проц

Непрочитанное сообщение Dark Smoke » 2012-05-30 17:52:29

Код: Выделить всё

# cat /etc/crontab
# /etc/crontab - root's crontab for FreeBSD
# $FreeBSD: src/etc/crontab,v 2012/03/03 06:15:13 kensmith Exp $
#minute hour    mday    month   wday    who     command
*/5     *       *       *       *       root    /usr/libexec/atrun
# Save some entropy so that /dev/random can re-seed on boot.
*/11    *       *       *       *       operator /usr/libexec/save-entropy
# Rotate log files every hour, if necessary.
0       *       *       *       *       root    newsyslog
# Perform daily/weekly/monthly maintenance.
1       3       *       *       *       root    periodic daily
15      4       *       *       6       root    periodic weekly
30      5       1       *       *       root    periodic monthly
# Adjust the time zone if the CMOS clock keeps local time, as opposed to
# UTC time.  See adjkerntz(8) for details.
1,31    0-5     *       *       *       root    adjkerntz -a

# ps aux
root       1675 82.9  0.0 11224  1236  v0  R+   Fri06PM 6655:13.65 gpart show
root         11 13.8  0.0     0    32  ??  RL   Fri06PM 6209:52.54 [idle]
root      70634  9.9  0.1 43592  6356  ??  S     5:38PM   0:59.81 /usr/local/bin/rsync --daemon
root       1676  8.8  0.0  9124  1116  v0  S+   Fri06PM 664:27.40 egrep (^=>| freebsd-ufs .*(\\[|,)(bootfailed|bootonce)(,|\
root      74336  8.5  0.6 38064 34744   0  R+    5:49PM   0:00.90 [cc1]
root          0  6.1  0.1     0  5200  ??  DLs  Fri06PM 240:18.99 [kernel]
root          1  0.0  0.0  3200   236  ??  ILs  Fri06PM   0:00.01 /sbin/init --
root          2  0.0  0.0     0    16  ??  DL   Fri06PM   0:00.12 [g_event]
root          3  0.0  0.0     0    16  ??  DL   Fri06PM  11:43.71 [g_up]
root          4  0.0  0.0     0    16  ??  DL   Fri06PM   5:05.60 [g_down]
root          5  0.0  0.0     0    16  ??  DL   Fri06PM   0:01.02 [fdc0]
root          6  0.0  0.0     0    16  ??  DL   Fri06PM   0:00.00 [sctp_iterator]

Сообщения: 662
Зарегистрирован: 2011-04-25 11:40:35
Контактная информация:

Re: Непонятные процессы грузт проц

Непрочитанное сообщение GhOsT_MZ » 2012-05-30 18:10:40

Добавить ключик -j к ps, чтобы посмотреть PPID процесса, а там уже делать выводы. Единственный кто из крона мог запустить - это atrun. Остальные не могут. Конечно может Periodic, но его надо допиливать для этого...

Код: Выделить всё

ls /var/at/jobs/
Судя по параметру TT, процесс запущен из консоли, причем из первой (Alt+F1). И помимо него еще какой-то скрипт видимо запущен...

Сообщения: 662
Зарегистрирован: 2011-04-25 11:40:35
Контактная информация:

Re: Непонятные процессы грузт проц

Непрочитанное сообщение GhOsT_MZ » 2012-05-30 18:20:31

Кстати да, надо еще не искать кто запускает gpart show, а думать почему он так дого работает и так грузит систему... Странное у него поведение... может руткит?

Dark Smoke
ст. сержант
Сообщения: 313
Зарегистрирован: 2009-02-25 0:03:43
Откуда: Днепропетровск
Контактная информация:

Re: Непонятные процессы грузт проц

Непрочитанное сообщение Dark Smoke » 2012-05-30 22:55:21

Код: Выделить всё

# ps -auxj
root       1675 100.0  0.0 11224  1236  v0  R+   Fri06PM 6938:49.49 gpart show        1674    20    20    0
root         11 94.6  0.0     0    32  ??  RL   Fri06PM 6473:01.25 [idle]               0     0     0    0
root       1676  9.9  0.0  9124  1116  v0  S+   Fri06PM 692:46.73 egrep (^=>| free  1674    20    20    0
root          0  0.0  0.1     0  5200  ??  DLs  Fri06PM 245:20.25 [kernel]             0     0     0    0
root          1  0.0  0.0  3200   236  ??  ILs  Fri06PM   0:00.01 /sbin/init --        0     1     1    0
root          2  0.0  0.0     0    16  ??  DL   Fri06PM   0:00.12 [g_event]            0     0     0    0
ls /var/at/jobs/ - пустая
GhOsT_MZ писал(а):Кстати да, надо еще не искать кто запускает gpart show, а думать почему он так дого работает и так грузит систему... Странное у него поведение... может руткит?
Вряд ли конечно. А как проверить или куда смотреть? Может консоли висят?

и еще молазил по ману и увидел что нету в ядре этого, надо забить в ядро?

Код: Выделить всё

           options GEOM_PART_GPT
           options GEOM_PART_MBR
           options GEOM_PART_EBR
           options GEOM_PART_EBR_COMPAT
           options GEOM_PART_PC98
           options GEOM_PART_VTOC8

Сообщения: 662
Зарегистрирован: 2011-04-25 11:40:35
Контактная информация:

Re: Непонятные процессы грузт проц

Непрочитанное сообщение GhOsT_MZ » 2012-05-30 23:03:34

Зачем оно в ядре, если в этом нет необходимости? А в консоли сейчас что запущено то? Если сидите не с консоли, то попробуйте глянуть на нее. И вывод ps не весь показываете. Есть ли процесс с идентификатором 1674?

Dark Smoke
ст. сержант
Сообщения: 313
Зарегистрирован: 2009-02-25 0:03:43
Откуда: Днепропетровск
Контактная информация:

Re: Непонятные процессы грузт проц

Непрочитанное сообщение Dark Smoke » 2012-05-30 23:31:17

Сижу через Putty

Код: Выделить всё

# ps -uaxj
root       1675 100.0  0.0 11224  1236  v0  R+   Fri06PM 6975:12.61 gpart show        1674    20    20    0
root         11 96.3  0.0     0    32  ??  RL   Fri06PM 6508:05.50 [idle]               0     0     0    0
root       1676 10.1  0.0  9124  1116  v0  S+   Fri06PM 696:24.02 egrep (^=>| free  1674    20    20    0
root          0  0.0  0.1     0  5200  ??  DLs  Fri06PM 245:20.38 [kernel]             0     0     0    0
root          1  0.0  0.0  3200   236  ??  ILs  Fri06PM   0:00.01 /sbin/init --        0     1     1    0
root          2  0.0  0.0     0    16  ??  DL   Fri06PM   0:00.12 [g_event]            0     0     0    0
root          3  0.0  0.0     0    16  ??  DL   Fri06PM  11:59.83 [g_up]               0     0     0    0
root          4  0.0  0.0     0    16  ??  DL   Fri06PM   5:12.23 [g_down]             0     0     0    0
root          5  0.0  0.0     0    16  ??  DL   Fri06PM   0:01.06 [fdc0]               0     0     0    0
root          6  0.0  0.0     0    16  ??  DL   Fri06PM   0:00.00 [sctp_iterator]      0     0     0    0
root          7  0.0  0.0     0    16  ??  DL   Fri06PM   0:00.00 [xpt_thrd]           0     0     0    0
root          8  0.0  0.0     0    16  ??  DL   Fri06PM   3:54.40 [pagedaemon]         0     0     0    0
root          9  0.0  0.0     0    16  ??  DL   Fri06PM   0:00.01 [vmdaemon]           0     0     0    0
root         10  0.0  0.0     0    16  ??  DL   Fri06PM   0:00.00 [audit]              0     0     0    0
root         12  0.0  0.0     0   288  ??  WL   Fri06PM  10:45.61 [intr]               0     0     0    0
root         13  0.0  0.0     0    16  ??  DL   Fri06PM   3:20.32 [yarrow]             0     0     0    0
root         14  0.0  0.0     0   528  ??  DL   Fri06PM   0:11.06 [usb]                0     0     0    0
root         15  0.0  0.0     0    16  ??  DL   Fri06PM   0:00.00 [pagezero]           0     0     0    0
root         16  0.0  0.0     0    16  ??  DL   Fri06PM   0:01.02 [bufdaemon]          0     0     0    0
root         17  0.0  0.0     0    16  ??  DL   Fri06PM   8:51.44 [syncer]             0     0     0    0
root         18  0.0  0.0     0    16  ??  DL   Fri06PM   0:02.53 [vnlru]              0     0     0    0
root         19  0.0  0.0     0    16  ??  DL   Fri06PM   0:26.28 [softdepflush]       0     0     0    0
root       1221  0.0  0.0  5248  3040  ??  Ss   Fri06PM   0:00.02 /sbin/devd           1  1221  1221    0
dhcpd      1605  0.0  0.1 30376  8276  ??  Is   Fri06PM   0:00.34 /usr/local/sbin/     1  1605  1605    0
root       1609  0.0  0.0  5828  1136  ??  Is   Fri06PM   0:00.01 /usr/local/bin/r     1  1609  1609    0
root       1622  0.0  0.1 31008  3704  ??  Ss   Fri06PM   0:00.01 /usr/sbin/sshd       1  1622  1622    0
root       1625  0.0  0.1 25300  3984  ??  Ss   Fri06PM   0:05.05 sendmail: accept     1  1625  1625    0
smmsp      1628  0.0  0.0 25300  1084  ??  Is   Fri06PM   0:00.09 sendmail: Queue      1  1628  1628    0
root       1632  0.0  0.0 25296   576  ??  Ss   Fri06PM   0:01.00 /usr/sbin/cron -     1  1632  1632    0
root      22426  0.0  0.0     0    16  ??  DLs  Mon02PM   0:05.66 [aiod8]              1 22426 22426    0
root      27469  0.0  0.0     0   128  ??  DL   Mon06PM   0:25.14 [zfskern]            0     0     0    0
root      32436  0.0  0.0     0    16  ??  DLs  Tue10AM   0:04.24 [aiod1]              1 32436 32436    0
root      37282  0.0  0.0 24204  2968  ??  Ss   Tue03PM   6:52.00 /usr/sbin/syslog     1 37282 37282    0
root      44947  0.0  0.0     0    16  ??  DLs  10:19AM   0:03.87 [aiod2]              1 44947 44947    0
bind      47685  0.0  0.5 57520 32388  ??  Ss    2:22PM   0:07.88 /usr/sbin/named      1 47685 47685    0
root      48143  0.0  0.1 42388  5136  ??  Ss    2:59PM   0:06.89 /usr/local/sbin/     1 48143 48143    0
root      48146  0.0  0.1 60732  9400  ??  Ss    2:59PM   0:00.66 /usr/local/sbin/     1 48146 48146    0
root      48149  0.0  0.1 46524  5940  ??  Is    2:59PM   0:01.53 /usr/local/sbin/     1 48149 48149    0
root      48150  0.0  0.1 60536  9320  ??  I     2:59PM   0:00.00 /usr/local/sbin/ 48146 48146 48146    0
root      48151  0.0  0.1 56292  6948  ??  I     2:59PM   0:00.13 /usr/local/sbin/ 48149 48149 48149    0
root      48153  0.0  0.1 56328  6928  ??  I     2:59PM   0:00.09 /usr/local/sbin/ 48149 48149 48149    0
root      49899  0.0  0.0     0    16  ??  DLs   4:26PM   0:00.04 [aiod3]              1 49899 49899    0
root      50093  0.0  0.1 46708  5980  ??  I     4:31PM   0:00.00 /usr/local/sbin/ 48149 48149 48149    0
ldap      50148  0.0  0.2 50252  9980  ??  Ss    4:34PM   0:05.97 /usr/local/libex     1 50148 50148    0
root      50189  0.0  0.2 62412  9728  ??  I     4:41PM   0:02.87 /usr/local/sbin/ 48146 48146 48146    0
root      50196  0.0  0.1 42940  4548  ??  Is    4:42PM   0:00.08 sshd: darksmoke   1622 50196 50196    0
darksmoke 50201  0.0  0.1 42940  4636  ??  I     4:43PM   0:01.83 sshd: darksmoke@ 50196 50196 50196    0
root      87531  0.0  0.1 42940  4656  ??  Ss   11:27PM   0:00.03 sshd: darksmoke   1622 87531 87531    0
darksmoke 87534  0.0  0.1 42940  4732  ??  S    11:27PM   0:00.01 sshd: darksmoke@ 87531 87531 87531    0
root         20  0.0  0.0  8344     0  v0  IWs+ -         0:00.00 sh /etc/rc autob     1    20    20    0
root       1674  0.0  0.0  8344     0  v0  IW+  -         0:00.00 sh /etc/rc autob    20    20    20    0
root       1677  0.0  0.0  5832   924  v0  I+   Fri06PM   0:00.00 sed s/^=>//       1674    20    20    0
root       1678  0.0  0.0  9124  1036  v0  I+   Fri06PM   0:00.00 egrep -v (\\[|,)  1674    20    20    0
root       1679  0.0  0.0  8344  1556  v0  I+   Fri06PM   0:00.00 sh /etc/rc autob  1674    20    20    0
root       1680  0.0  0.0  5828   816  v0  I+   Fri06PM   0:00.00 logger -t gptboo  1674    20    20    0
darksmoke 50202  0.0  0.1 26504  4128   0  Is    4:43PM   0:00.01 -csh (csh)       50201 50202 50202    0
root      50204  0.0  0.1 37864  3548   0  I     4:43PM   0:00.01 su               50202 50204 50202    1
root      50205  0.0  0.1 27564  4364   0  I+    4:43PM   0:00.05 su (bash)        50204 50205 50202    1
darksmoke 87535  0.0  0.1 26504  4200   1  Ss   11:27PM   0:00.01 -csh (csh)       87534 87535 87535    0
root      87537  0.0  0.1 37864  3632   1  S    11:28PM   0:00.01 su               87535 87537 87535    1
root      87538  0.0  0.1 27564  4384   1  R    11:28PM   0:00.01 su (bash)        87537 87538 87535    1
root      87540  0.0  0.0  8040  1204   1  R+   11:28PM   0:00.00 ps -uaxj         87538 87540 87535    1

Сообщения: 662
Зарегистрирован: 2011-04-25 11:40:35
Контактная информация:

Re: Непонятные процессы грузт проц

Непрочитанное сообщение GhOsT_MZ » 2012-05-30 23:35:34

Код: Выделить всё

cat /etc/rc.d/autob || cat /usr/local/etc/rc.d/autob || find / -name autob -exec sh -c 'echo {} && cat {}' \;
Результат сюда

Сообщения: 662
Зарегистрирован: 2011-04-25 11:40:35
Контактная информация:

Re: Непонятные процессы грузт проц

Непрочитанное сообщение GhOsT_MZ » 2012-05-30 23:46:19

Нет, даже так, ибо имя скрипта обрезано:

Код: Выделить всё

cat /etc/rc.d/autob* || cat /usr/local/etc/rc.d/autob* || find / -name "autob*" -exec sh -c 'echo {} && cat {}' \;

Dark Smoke
ст. сержант
Сообщения: 313
Зарегистрирован: 2009-02-25 0:03:43
Откуда: Днепропетровск
Контактная информация:

Re: Непонятные процессы грузт проц

Непрочитанное сообщение Dark Smoke » 2012-05-31 0:18:24

Ждал долго, очень, нажал контрл + С или надо дождаться?

Код: Выделить всё

cat /etc/rc.d/autob* || cat /usr/local/etc/rc.d/autob* || find / -name "autob*" -exec sh -c 'echo {} && cat {}' \;
cat: /etc/rc.d/autob*: No such file or directory
cat: /usr/local/etc/rc.d/autob*: No such file or directory
# autobuild.m4 serial 2 (autobuild-3.3)
# Copyright (C) 2004 Simon Josefsson
# This file is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU
# General Public License.  As a special exception to the GNU General
# Public License, this file may be distributed as part of a program
# that contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under
# the same distribution terms as the rest of that program.
# This file can can be used in projects which are not available under
# the GNU General Public License or the GNU Library General Public
# License but which still want to provide support for Autobuild.

# Usage: AB_INIT([MODE]).

        AC_MSG_NOTICE([autobuild project... ${PACKAGE_NAME:-$PACKAGE}])
        AC_MSG_NOTICE([autobuild revision... ${PACKAGE_VERSION:-$VERSION}])
        if test "$hostname"; then
           AC_MSG_NOTICE([autobuild hostname... $hostname])
        ifelse([$1],[],,[AC_MSG_NOTICE([autobuild mode... $1])])
        date=`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S`
        if test "$?" != 0; then
        if test "$date"; then
           AC_MSG_NOTICE([autobuild timestamp... $date])
..ыMakefile4н@зdistinfo4н@ш?]   pkg-descrн@э?]  pkg-plistн@щ?]?filesЪЪ/usr/ports/databases/autobackupmysql
..?Makefile$н@Ёdistinfo$н@Є?^   pkg-descrн@??^?filesЪЪPuTTYPuTTY/usr/ports/devel/autobook
..КMakefiledЛdistinfodМ?]       pkg-descrН?]?   pkg-plistPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTY^C

Dark Smoke
ст. сержант
Сообщения: 313
Зарегистрирован: 2009-02-25 0:03:43
Откуда: Днепропетровск
Контактная информация:

Re: Непонятные процессы грузт проц

Непрочитанное сообщение Dark Smoke » 2012-05-31 0:23:37

GhOsT_MZ писал(а):Зачем оно в ядре, если в этом нет необходимости? А в консоли сейчас что запущено то? Если сидите не с консоли, то попробуйте глянуть на нее. И вывод ps не весь показываете. Есть ли процесс с идентификатором 1674?
1674 root 1 76 0 8344K 0K wait 1 0:00 0.00% <sh>

Сообщения: 662
Зарегистрирован: 2011-04-25 11:40:35
Контактная информация:

Re: Непонятные процессы грузт проц

Непрочитанное сообщение GhOsT_MZ » 2012-05-31 8:05:36

Ну желательно было дождаться. И для меня на самом деле странно, что в каталогах rc.d не был найден такой файл... тут появляется вопрос, откуда он запускается. Видно, что его запускает /etc/rc. Хотя, учитывая относительный путь, возможно он в /etc находится: ls -la autob*
Оригинальный /etc/rc запускает rc-скрипты так:

Код: Выделить всё

files=`rcorder ${skip} /etc/rc.d/* ${local_rc} 2>/dev/null`
for _rc_elem in ${files}; do
        case "$_rc_elem_done" in
        *" $_rc_elem "*)        continue ;;

        run_rc_script ${_rc_elem} ${_boot}
Посмотреть бы на /etc/rc. Плюс к этому, файлики /etc/rc.conf и /etc/defaults/rc.conf.

Dark Smoke
ст. сержант
Сообщения: 313
Зарегистрирован: 2009-02-25 0:03:43
Откуда: Днепропетровск
Контактная информация:

Re: Непонятные процессы грузт проц

Непрочитанное сообщение Dark Smoke » 2012-05-31 9:44:49

Вот дождался

Код: Выделить всё

#cat /etc/rc.d/autob* || cat /usr/local/etc/rc.d/autob* || find / -name "autob*" -exec sh -c 'echo {} && cat {}' \;
cat: /etc/rc.d/autob*: No such file or directory
cat: /usr/local/etc/rc.d/autob*: No such file or directory
# autobuild.m4 serial 2 (autobuild-3.3)
# Copyright (C) 2004 Simon Josefsson
# This file is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU
# General Public License.  As a special exception to the GNU General
# Public License, this file may be distributed as part of a program
# that contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under
# the same distribution terms as the rest of that program.
# This file can can be used in projects which are not available under
# the GNU General Public License or the GNU Library General Public
# License but which still want to provide support for Autobuild.

# Usage: AB_INIT([MODE]).

        AC_MSG_NOTICE([autobuild project... ${PACKAGE_NAME:-$PACKAGE}])
        AC_MSG_NOTICE([autobuild revision... ${PACKAGE_VERSION:-$VERSION}])
        if test "$hostname"; then
           AC_MSG_NOTICE([autobuild hostname... $hostname])
        ifelse([$1],[],,[AC_MSG_NOTICE([autobuild mode... $1])])
        date=`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S`
        if test "$?" != 0; then
        if test "$date"; then
           AC_MSG_NOTICE([autobuild timestamp... $date])
..ыMakefile4н@зdistinfo4н@ш?]   pkg-descrн@э?]  pkg-plistн@щ?]?filesЪЪPuTTY/usr/ports/databases/autobackupmysql
..?Makefile$н@Ёdistinfo$н@Є?^   pkg-descrн@??^?filesЪЪPuTTY/usr/ports/devel/autobook
..КMakefiledЛdistinfodМ?]       pkg-descrН?]?   pkg-plistPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTY/usr/home/darksmoke/usr/src/crypto/heimdal/cf/autobuild.m4
# autobuild.m4 serial 2 (autobuild-3.3)
# Copyright (C) 2004 Simon Josefsson
# This file is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU
# General Public License.  As a special exception to the GNU General
# Public License, this file may be distributed as part of a program
# that contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under
# the same distribution terms as the rest of that program.
# This file can can be used in projects which are not available under
# the GNU General Public License or the GNU Library General Public
# License but which still want to provide support for Autobuild.

# Usage: AB_INIT([MODE]).

        AC_MSG_NOTICE([autobuild project... ${PACKAGE_NAME:-$PACKAGE}])
        AC_MSG_NOTICE([autobuild revision... ${PACKAGE_VERSION:-$VERSION}])
        if test "$hostname"; then
           AC_MSG_NOTICE([autobuild hostname... $hostname])
        ifelse([$1],[],,[AC_MSG_NOTICE([autobuild mode... $1])])
        date=`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S`
        if test "$?" != 0; then
        if test "$date"; then
           AC_MSG_NOTICE([autobuild timestamp... $date])
/etc/rc. такого файла нет

Код: Выделить всё

# cat /etc/rc.conf




named_flags="-u bind -c /etc/namedb/named.conf"

cloned_interfaces="vlan6 vlan7"
ifconfig_vlan6="inet vlandev em0 vlan 6"
ifconfig_vlan7="inet vlandev em0 vlan 7"


slapd_flags='-h "ldapi://%2fvar%2frun%2fopenldap%2fldapi/ ldap:// ldap://"'

Код: Выделить всё

# cat /etc/defaults/rc.conf

# This is rc.conf - a file full of useful variables that you can set
# to change the default startup behavior of your system.  You should
# not edit this file!  Put any overrides into one of the ${rc_conf_files}
# instead and you will be able to update these defaults later without
# spamming your local configuration information.
# The ${rc_conf_files} files should only contain values which override
# values set in this file.  This eases the upgrade path when defaults
# are changed and new features are added.
# All arguments must be in double or single quotes.
# For a more detailed explanation of all the rc.conf variables, please
# refer to the rc.conf(5) manual page.
# $FreeBSD: src/etc/defaults/rc.conf,v 1.358. 2012/03/03 06:15:13 kensmith Exp $

###  Important initial Boot-time options  ####################

rc_debug="NO"           # Set to YES to enable debugging output from rc.d
rc_info="NO"            # Enables display of informational messages at boot.
rc_startmsgs="YES"      # Show "Starting foo:" messages at boot
rcshutdown_timeout="90" # Seconds to wait before terminating rc.shutdown
early_late_divider="FILESYSTEMS"        # Script that separates early/late
                        # stages of the boot process.  Make sure you know
                        # the ramifications if you change this.
                        # See rc.conf(5) for more details.
always_force_depends="NO"       # Set to check that indicated dependencies are
                                # running during boot (can increase boot time).

swapfile="NO"           # Set to name of swapfile if aux swapfile desired.
apm_enable="NO"         # Set to YES to enable APM BIOS functions (or NO).
apmd_enable="NO"        # Run apmd to handle APM event from userland.
apmd_flags=""           # Flags to apmd (if enabled).
ddb_enable="NO"         # Set to YES to load ddb scripts at boot.
ddb_config="/etc/ddb.conf"      # ddb(8) config file.
devd_enable="YES"       # Run devd, to trigger programs on device tree changes.
devd_flags=""           # Additional flags for devd(8).
#kld_list=""            # Kernel modules to load after local disks are mounted
kldxref_enable="NO"     # Build linker.hints files with kldxref(8).
kldxref_clobber="NO"    # Overwrite old linker.hints at boot.
kldxref_module_path=""  # Override kern.module_path. A ';'-delimited list.
powerd_enable="NO"      # Run powerd to lower our power usage.
powerd_flags=""         # Flags to powerd (if enabled).
tmpmfs="AUTO"           # Set to YES to always create an mfs /tmp, NO to never
tmpsize="20m"           # Size of mfs /tmp if created
tmpmfs_flags="-S"       # Extra mdmfs options for the mfs /tmp
varmfs="AUTO"           # Set to YES to always create an mfs /var, NO to never
varsize="32m"           # Size of mfs /var if created
varmfs_flags="-S"       # Extra mount options for the mfs /var
populate_var="AUTO"     # Set to YES to always (re)populate /var, NO to never
cleanvar_enable="YES"   # Clean the /var directory
local_startup="/usr/local/etc/rc.d" # startup script dirs.
script_name_sep=" "     # Change if your startup scripts' names contain spaces
rc_conf_files="/etc/rc.conf /etc/rc.conf.local"

# ZFS support
zfs_enable="NO"         # Set to YES to automatically mount ZFS file systems

gptboot_enable="YES"    # GPT boot success/failure reporting.

# Experimental - test before enabling
gbde_autoattach_all="NO" # YES automatically mounts gbde devices from fstab
gbde_devices="NO"       # Devices to automatically attach (list, or AUTO)
gbde_attach_attempts="3" # Number of times to attempt attaching gbde devices
gbde_lockdir="/etc"     # Where to look for gbde lockfiles

# GELI disk encryption configuration.
geli_devices=""         # List of devices to automatically attach in addition to
                        # GELI devices listed in /etc/fstab.
geli_tries=""           # Number of times to attempt attaching geli device.
                        # If empty, kern.geom.eli.tries will be used.
geli_default_flags=""   # Default flags for geli(8).
geli_autodetach="YES"   # Automatically detach on last close.
                        # Providers are marked as such when all file systems are
                        # mounted.
# Example use.
#geli_devices="da1 mirror/home"
#geli_da1_flags="-p -k /etc/geli/da1.keys"
#geli_mirror_home_flags="-k /etc/geli/home.keys"

geli_swap_flags="-e aes -l 256 -s 4096 -d"      # Options for GELI-encrypted
                                                # swap partitions.

root_rw_mount="YES"     # Set to NO to inhibit remounting root read-write.
fsck_y_enable="NO"      # Set to YES to do fsck -y if the initial preen fails.
fsck_y_flags=""         # Additional flags for fsck -y
background_fsck="YES"   # Attempt to run fsck in the background where possible.
background_fsck_delay="60" # Time to wait (seconds) before starting the fsck.
netfs_types="nfs:NFS newnfs:NEWNFS smbfs:SMB portalfs:PORTAL nwfs:NWFS" # Net filesystems.
extra_netfs_types="NO"  # List of network extra filesystem types for delayed
                        # mount at startup (or NO).

###  Network configuration sub-section  ######################

### Basic network and firewall/security options: ###
hostname=""                     # Set this!
hostid_enable="YES"             # Set host UUID.
hostid_file="/etc/hostid"       # File with hostuuid.
nisdomainname="NO"              # Set to NIS domain if using NIS (or NO).
dhclient_program="/sbin/dhclient"       # Path to dhcp client program.
dhclient_flags=""               # Extra flags to pass to dhcp client.
#dhclient_flags_fxp0=""         # Extra dhclient flags for fxp0 only
background_dhclient="NO"        # Start dhcp client in the background.
#background_dhclient_fxp0="YES" # Start dhcp client on fxp0 in the background.
synchronous_dhclient="NO"       # Start dhclient directly on configured
                                # interfaces during startup.
defaultroute_delay="30"         # Time to wait for a default route on a DHCP interface.
wpa_supplicant_flags="-s"       # Extra flags to pass to wpa_supplicant
firewall_enable="NO"            # Set to YES to enable firewall functionality
firewall_script="/etc/rc.firewall" # Which script to run to set up the firewall
firewall_type="UNKNOWN"         # Firewall type (see /etc/rc.firewall)
firewall_quiet="NO"             # Set to YES to suppress rule display
firewall_logging="NO"           # Set to YES to enable events logging
firewall_flags=""               # Flags passed to ipfw when type is a file
firewall_coscripts=""           # List of executables/scripts to run after
                                # firewall starts/stops
firewall_client_net="" # IPv4 Network address for "client"
                                # firewall.
#firewall_client_net_ipv6="2001:db8:2:1::/64" # IPv6 network prefix for
                                # "client" firewall.
firewall_simple_iif="ed1"       # Inside network interface for "simple"
                                # firewall.
firewall_simple_inet="" # Inside network address for "simple"
                                # firewall.
firewall_simple_oif="ed0"       # Outside network interface for "simple"
                                # firewall.
firewall_simple_onet="" # Outside network address for "simple"
                                # firewall.
#firewall_simple_iif_ipv6="ed1" # Inside IPv6 network interface for "simple"
                                # firewall.
#firewall_simple_inet_ipv6="2001:db8:2:800::/56" # Inside IPv6 network prefix
                                # for "simple" firewall.
#firewall_simple_oif_ipv6="ed0" # Outside IPv6 network interface for "simple"
                                # firewall.
#firewall_simple_onet_ipv6="2001:db8:2:0::/56" # Outside IPv6 network prefix
                                # for "simple" firewall.
firewall_myservices=""          # List of TCP ports on which this host
                                # offers services for "workstation" firewall.
firewall_allowservices=""       # List of IPs which have access to
                                # $firewall_myservices for "workstation"
                                # firewall.
firewall_trusted=""             # List of IPs which have full access to this
                                # host for "workstation" firewall.
firewall_logdeny="NO"           # Set to YES to log default denied incoming
                                # packets for "workstation" firewall.
firewall_nologports="135-139,445 1026,1027 1433,1434" # List of TCP/UDP ports
                                # for which denied incoming packets are not
                                # logged for "workstation" firewall.
firewall_nat_enable="NO"        # Enable kernel NAT (if firewall_enable == YES)
firewall_nat_interface=""       # Public interface or IPaddress to use
firewall_nat_flags=""           # Additional configuration parameters
dummynet_enable="NO"            # Load the dummynet(4) module
ip_portrange_first="NO"         # Set first dynamically allocated port
ip_portrange_last="NO"          # Set last dynamically allocated port
ike_enable="NO"                 # Enable IKE daemon (usually racoon or isakmpd)
ike_program="/usr/local/sbin/isakmpd"   # Path to IKE daemon
ike_flags=""                    # Additional flags for IKE daemon
ipsec_enable="NO"               # Set to YES to run setkey on ipsec_file
ipsec_file="/etc/ipsec.conf"    # Name of config file for setkey
natd_program="/sbin/natd"       # path to natd, if you want a different one.
natd_enable="NO"                # Enable natd (if firewall_enable == YES).
natd_interface=""               # Public interface or IPaddress to use.
natd_flags=""                   # Additional flags for natd.
ipfilter_enable="NO"            # Set to YES to enable ipfilter functionality
ipfilter_program="/sbin/ipf"    # where the ipfilter program lives
ipfilter_rules="/etc/ipf.rules" # rules definition file for ipfilter, see
                                # /usr/src/contrib/ipfilter/rules for examples
ipfilter_flags=""               # additional flags for ipfilter
ipnat_enable="NO"               # Set to YES to enable ipnat functionality
ipnat_program="/sbin/ipnat"     # where the ipnat program lives
ipnat_rules="/etc/ipnat.rules"  # rules definition file for ipnat
ipnat_flags=""                  # additional flags for ipnat
ipmon_enable="NO"               # Set to YES for ipmon; needs ipfilter or ipnat
ipmon_program="/sbin/ipmon"     # where the ipfilter monitor program lives
ipmon_flags="-Ds"               # typically "-Ds" or "-D /var/log/ipflog"
ipfs_enable="NO"                # Set to YES to enable saving and restoring
                                # of state tables at shutdown and boot
ipfs_program="/sbin/ipfs"       # where the ipfs program lives
ipfs_flags=""                   # additional flags for ipfs
pf_enable="NO"                  # Set to YES to enable packet filter (pf)
pf_rules="/etc/pf.conf"         # rules definition file for pf
pf_program="/sbin/pfctl"        # where the pfctl program lives
pf_flags=""                     # additional flags for pfctl
pflog_enable="NO"               # Set to YES to enable packet filter logging
pflog_logfile="/var/log/pflog"  # where pflogd should store the logfile
pflog_program="/sbin/pflogd"    # where the pflogd program lives
pflog_flags=""                  # additional flags for pflogd
ftpproxy_enable="NO"            # Set to YES to enable ftp-proxy(8) for pf
ftpproxy_flags=""               # additional flags for ftp-proxy(8)
pfsync_enable="NO"              # Expose pf state to other hosts for syncing
pfsync_syncdev=""               # Interface for pfsync to work through
pfsync_syncpeer=""              # IP address of pfsync peer host
pfsync_ifconfig=""              # Additional options to ifconfig(8) for pfsync
tcp_extensions="YES"            # Set to NO to turn off RFC1323 extensions.
log_in_vain="0"                 # >=1 to log connects to ports w/o listeners.
tcp_keepalive="YES"             # Enable stale TCP connection timeout (or NO).
tcp_drop_synfin="NO"            # Set to YES to drop TCP packets with SYN+FIN
                                # NOTE: this violates the TCP specification
icmp_drop_redirect="NO"         # Set to YES to ignore ICMP REDIRECT packets
icmp_log_redirect="NO"          # Set to YES to log ICMP REDIRECT packets
network_interfaces="auto"       # List of network interfaces (or "auto").
cloned_interfaces=""            # List of cloned network interfaces to create.
#cloned_interfaces="gif0 gif1 gif2 gif3" # Pre-cloning GENERIC config.
ifconfig_lo0="inet"   # default loopback device configuration.
#ifconfig_lo0_alias0="inet netmask 0xffffffff" # Sample alias entry.
#ifconfig_ed0_ipx="ipx 0x00010010"      # Sample IPX address family entry.
#ifconfig_fxp0_name="net0"      # Change interface name from fxp0 to net0.
#vlans_fxp0="101 vlan0"         # vlan(4) interfaces for fxp0 device
#create_args_vlan0="vlan 102"   # vlan tag for vlan0 device
#wlans_ath0="wlan0"             # wlan(4) interfaces for ath0 device
#wlandebug_wlan0="scan+auth+assoc"      # Set debug flags with wlanddebug(8)
#ipv4_addrs_fxp0="" # example IPv4 address entry.
#autobridge_interfaces="bridge0"        # List of bridges to check
#autobridge_bridge0="tap* vlan0"        # Interface glob to automatically add to the bridge
# If you have any sppp(4) interfaces above, you might also want to set
# the following parameters.  Refer to spppcontrol(8) for their meaning.
sppp_interfaces=""              # List of sppp interfaces.
#sppp_interfaces="...0"         # example: sppp over ...
#spppconfig_...0="authproto=chap myauthname=foo myauthsecret='top secret' hisauthname=some-gw hisauthsecret='another secret'"
gif_interfaces=""               # List of GIF tunnels.
#gif_interfaces="gif0 gif1"     # Examples typically for a router.
                                # Choose correct tunnel addrs.
#gifconfig_gif0=""     # Examples typically for a router.
#gifconfig_gif1=""     # Examples typically for a router.
fec_interfaces=""               # List of Fast EtherChannels.
#fec_interfaces="fec0 fec1"
#fecconfig_fec0="fxp0 dc0"      # Examples typically for two NICs
#fecconfig_fec1="em0 em1 bge0 bge1"     # Examples typically for four NICs

# User ppp configuration.
ppp_enable="NO"         # Start user-ppp (or NO).
ppp_program="/usr/sbin/ppp"     # Path to user-ppp program.
ppp_mode="auto"         # Choice of "auto", "ddial", "direct" or "dedicated".
                        # For details see man page for ppp(8). Default is auto.
ppp_nat="YES"           # Use PPP's internal network address translation or NO.
ppp_profile="papchap"   # Which profile to use from /etc/ppp/ppp.conf.
ppp_user="root"         # Which user to run ppp as

# Start multiple instances of ppp at boot time
#ppp_profile="profile1 profile2 profile3"       # Which profiles to use
#ppp_profile1_mode="ddial"      # Override ppp mode for profile1
#ppp_profile2_nat="NO"          # Override nat mode for profile2
# profile3 uses default ppp_mode and ppp_nat

### Network daemon (miscellaneous) ###
hostapd_enable="NO"             # Run hostap daemon.
syslogd_enable="YES"            # Run syslog daemon (or NO).
syslogd_program="/usr/sbin/syslogd" # path to syslogd, if you want a different one.
syslogd_flags="-s"              # Flags to syslogd (if enabled).
inetd_enable="NO"               # Run the network daemon dispatcher (YES/NO).
inetd_program="/usr/sbin/inetd" # path to inetd, if you want a different one.
inetd_flags="-wW -C 60"         # Optional flags to inetd
hastd_enable="NO"               # Run the HAST daemon (YES/NO).
hastd_program="/sbin/hastd"     # path to hastd, if you want a different one.
hastd_flags=""                  # Optional flags to hastd.
# named.  It may be possible to run named in a sandbox, man security for
# details.
named_enable="NO"               # Run named, the DNS server (or NO).
named_program="/usr/sbin/named" # Path to named, if you want a different one.
named_conf="/etc/namedb/named.conf"     # Path to the configuration file
#named_flags=""                 # Use this for flags OTHER than -u and -c
named_uid="bind"                # User to run named as
named_chrootdir="/var/named"    # Chroot directory (or "" not to auto-chroot it)
named_chroot_autoupdate="YES"   # Automatically install/update chrooted
                                # components of named. See /etc/rc.d/named.
named_symlink_enable="YES"      # Symlink the chrooted pid file
named_wait="NO"                 # Wait for working name service before exiting
named_wait_host="localhost"     # Hostname to check if named_wait is enabled
named_auto_forward="NO"         # Set up forwarders from /etc/resolv.conf
named_auto_forward_only="NO"    # Do "forward only" instead of "forward first"

# kerberos. Do not run the admin daemons on slave servers
kerberos5_server_enable="NO"    # Run a kerberos 5 master server (or NO).
kerberos5_server="/usr/libexec/kdc"     # path to kerberos 5 KDC
kerberos5_server_flags="--detach"       # Additional flags to the kerberos 5 server
kadmind5_server_enable="NO"     # Run kadmind (or NO)
kadmind5_server="/usr/libexec/kadmind"  # path to kerberos 5 admin daemon
kpasswdd_server_enable="NO"     # Run kpasswdd (or NO)
kpasswdd_server="/usr/libexec/kpasswdd" # path to kerberos 5 passwd daemon

gssd_enable="NO"                # Run the gssd daemon (or NO).
gssd_flags=""                   # Flags for gssd.

rwhod_enable="NO"               # Run the rwho daemon (or NO).
rwhod_flags=""                  # Flags for rwhod
rarpd_enable="NO"               # Run rarpd (or NO).
rarpd_flags="-a"                # Flags to rarpd.
bootparamd_enable="NO"          # Run bootparamd (or NO).
bootparamd_flags=""             # Flags to bootparamd
pppoed_enable="NO"              # Run the PPP over Ethernet daemon.
pppoed_provider="*"             # Provider and ppp(8) config file entry.
pppoed_flags="-P /var/run/pppoed.pid"   # Flags to pppoed (if enabled).
pppoed_interface="fxp0"         # The interface that pppoed runs on.
sshd_enable="NO"                # Enable sshd
sshd_program="/usr/sbin/sshd"   # path to sshd, if you want a different one.
sshd_flags=""                   # Additional flags for sshd.
ftpd_enable="NO"                # Enable stand-alone ftpd.
ftpd_program="/usr/libexec/ftpd" # Path to ftpd, if you want a different one.
ftpd_flags=""                   # Additional flags to stand-alone ftpd.

### Network daemon (NFS): All need rpcbind_enable="YES" ###
amd_enable="NO"                 # Run amd service with $amd_flags (or NO).
amd_program="/usr/sbin/amd"     # path to amd, if you want a different one.
amd_flags="-a /.amd_mnt -l syslog /host /etc/amd.map /net /etc/amd.map"
amd_map_program="NO"            # Can be set to "ypcat -k amd.master"
nfs_client_enable="NO"          # This host is an NFS client (or NO).
nfs_access_cache="60"           # Client cache timeout in seconds
nfs_server_enable="NO"          # This host is an NFS server (or NO).
nfs_server_flags="-u -t -n 4"   # Flags to nfsd (if enabled).
mountd_enable="NO"              # Run mountd (or NO).
mountd_flags="-r"               # Flags to mountd (if NFS server enabled).
weak_mountd_authentication="NO" # Allow non-root mount requests to be served.
nfs_reserved_port_only="NO"     # Provide NFS only on secure port (or NO).
nfs_bufpackets=""               # bufspace (in packets) for client
rpc_lockd_enable="NO"           # Run NFS rpc.lockd needed for client/server.
rpc_lockd_flags=""              # Flags to rpc.lockd (if enabled).
rpc_statd_enable="NO"           # Run NFS rpc.statd needed for client/server.
rpc_statd_flags=""              # Flags to rpc.statd (if enabled).
rpcbind_enable="NO"             # Run the portmapper service (YES/NO).
rpcbind_program="/usr/sbin/rpcbind"     # path to rpcbind, if you want a different one.
rpcbind_flags=""                # Flags to rpcbind (if enabled).
rpc_ypupdated_enable="NO"       # Run if NIS master and SecureRPC (or NO).
keyserv_enable="NO"             # Run the SecureRPC keyserver (or NO).
keyserv_flags=""                # Flags to keyserv (if enabled).
nfsv4_server_enable="NO"        # Enable support for NFSv4
nfscbd_enable="NO"              # NFSv4 client side callback daemon
nfscbd_flags=""                 # Flags for nfscbd
nfsuserd_enable="NO"            # NFSv4 user/group name mapping daemon
nfsuserd_flags=""               # Flags for nfsuserd

### Network Time Services options: ###
timed_enable="NO"               # Run the time daemon (or NO).
timed_flags=""                  # Flags to timed (if enabled).
ntpdate_enable="NO"             # Run ntpdate to sync time on boot (or NO).
ntpdate_program="/usr/sbin/ntpdate"     # path to ntpdate, if you want a different one.
ntpdate_flags="-b"              # Flags to ntpdate (if enabled).
ntpdate_config="/etc/ntp.conf"  # ntpdate(8) configuration file
ntpdate_hosts=""                # Whitespace-separated list of ntpdate(8) servers.
ntpd_enable="NO"                # Run ntpd Network Time Protocol (or NO).
ntpd_program="/usr/sbin/ntpd"   # path to ntpd, if you want a different one.
ntpd_config="/etc/ntp.conf"     # ntpd(8) configuration file
ntpd_sync_on_start="NO"         # Sync time on ntpd startup, even if offset is high
ntpd_flags="-p /var/run/ntpd.pid -f /var/db/ntpd.drift"
                                # Flags to ntpd (if enabled).

# Network Information Services (NIS) options: All need rpcbind_enable="YES" ###
nis_client_enable="NO"          # We're an NIS client (or NO).
nis_client_flags=""             # Flags to ypbind (if enabled).
nis_ypset_enable="NO"           # Run ypset at boot time (or NO).
nis_ypset_flags=""              # Flags to ypset (if enabled).
nis_server_enable="NO"          # We're an NIS server (or NO).
nis_server_flags=""             # Flags to ypserv (if enabled).
nis_ypxfrd_enable="NO"          # Run rpc.ypxfrd at boot time (or NO).
nis_ypxfrd_flags=""             # Flags to rpc.ypxfrd (if enabled).
nis_yppasswdd_enable="NO"       # Run rpc.yppasswdd at boot time (or NO).
nis_yppasswdd_flags=""          # Flags to rpc.yppasswdd (if enabled).

### SNMP daemon ###
# Be sure to understand the security implications of running SNMP v1/v2
# in your network.
bsnmpd_enable="NO"              # Run the SNMP daemon (or NO).
bsnmpd_flags=""                 # Flags for bsnmpd.

### Network routing options: ###
defaultrouter="NO"              # Set to default gateway (or NO).
static_arp_pairs=""             # Set to static ARP list (or leave empty).
static_ndp_pairs=""             # Set to static NDP list (or leave empty).
static_routes=""                # Set to static route list (or leave empty).
natm_static_routes=""           # Set to static route list for NATM (or leave empty).
gateway_enable="NO"             # Set to YES if this host will be a gateway.
router_enable="NO"              # Set to YES to enable a routing daemon.
router="/sbin/routed"           # Name of routing daemon to use if enabled.
router_flags="-q"               # Flags for routing daemon.
mrouted_enable="NO"             # Do IPv4 multicast routing.
mrouted_program="/usr/local/sbin/mrouted"       # Name of IPv4 multicast
                                                # routing daemon.  You need to
                                                # install it from package or
                                                # port.
mrouted_flags=""                # Flags for multicast routing daemon.
ipxgateway_enable="NO"          # Set to YES to enable IPX routing.
ipxrouted_enable="NO"           # Set to YES to run the IPX routing daemon.
ipxrouted_flags=""              # Flags for IPX routing daemon.
arpproxy_all="NO"               # replaces obsolete kernel option ARP_PROXYALL.
forward_sourceroute="NO"        # do source routing (only if gateway_enable is set to "YES")
accept_sourceroute="NO"         # accept source routed packets to us

### ATM interface options: ###
atm_enable="NO"                 # Configure ATM interfaces (or NO).
#atm_netif_hea0="atm 1"         # Network interfaces for physical interface.
#atm_sigmgr_hea0="uni31"        # Signalling manager for physical interface.
#atm_prefix_hea0="ILMI"         # NSAP prefix (UNI interfaces only) (or ILMI).
#atm_macaddr_hea0="NO"          # Override physical MAC address (or NO).
#atm_arpserver_atm0="0x47.0005.80.999999.9999.9999.9999.999999999999.00" # ATMARP server address (or local).
#atm_scsparp_atm0="NO"          # Run SCSP/ATMARP on network interface (or NO).
atm_pvcs=""                     # Set to PVC list (or leave empty).
atm_arps=""                     # Set to permanent ARP list (or leave empty).

### Bluetooth ###
hcsecd_enable="NO"              # Enable hcsecd(8) (or NO)
hcsecd_config="/etc/bluetooth/hcsecd.conf" # hcsecd(8) configuration file

sdpd_enable="NO"                # Enable sdpd(8) (or NO)
sdpd_control="/var/run/sdp"     # sdpd(8) control socket
sdpd_groupname="nobody"         # set spdp(8) user/group to run as after
sdpd_username="nobody"          # it initializes

bthidd_enable="NO"              # Enable bthidd(8) (or NO)
bthidd_config="/etc/bluetooth/bthidd.conf" # bthidd(8) configuration file
bthidd_hids="/var/db/bthidd.hids" # bthidd(8) known HID devices file

rfcomm_pppd_server_enable="NO"  # Enable rfcomm_pppd(8) in server mode (or NO)
rfcomm_pppd_server_profile="one two"    # Profile to use from /etc/ppp/ppp.conf
#rfcomm_pppd_server_one_bdaddr=""       # Override local bdaddr for 'one'
rfcomm_pppd_server_one_channel="1"      # Override local channel for 'one'
#rfcomm_pppd_server_one_register_sp="NO"        # Override SP and DUN register
#rfcomm_pppd_server_one_register_dun="NO"       # for 'one'
#rfcomm_pppd_server_two_bdaddr=""       # Override local bdaddr for 'two'
rfcomm_pppd_server_two_channel="3"      # Override local channel for 'two'
#rfcomm_pppd_server_two_register_sp="NO"        # Override SP and DUN register
#rfcomm_pppd_server_two_register_dun="NO"       # for 'two'

ubthidhci_enable="NO"           # Switch an USB BT controller present on
#ubthidhci_busnum="3"           # bus 3 and addr 2 from HID mode to HCI mode.
#ubthidhci_addr="2"             # Check usbconfig list to find the correct
                                # numbers for your system.

### Network link/usability verification options
netwait_enable="NO"             # Enable rc.d/netwait (or NO)
#netwait_ip=""                  # IP addresses to be pinged by netwait.
netwait_timeout="60"            # Total number of seconds to perform pings.
#netwait_if=""                  # Interface name to watch link state on.
netwait_if_timeout="30"         # Total number of seconds to monitor link state.

### Miscellaneous network options: ###
icmp_bmcastecho="NO"    # respond to broadcast ping packets

### IPv6 options: ###
ipv6_enable="NO"                # Set to YES to set up for IPv6.
ipv6_network_interfaces="auto"  # List of network interfaces (or "auto").
ipv6_defaultrouter="NO"         # Set to IPv6 default gateway (or NO).
#ipv6_defaultrouter="2002:c058:6301::"  # Use this for 6to4 (RFC 3068)
ipv6_static_routes=""           # Set to static route list (or leave empty).
#ipv6_static_routes="xxx"       # An example to set fec0:0000:0000:0006::/64
                                #  route toward loopback interface.
#ipv6_route_xxx="fec0:0000:0000:0006:: -prefixlen 64 ::1"
ipv6_gateway_enable="NO"        # Set to YES if this host will be a gateway.
ipv6_router_enable="NO"         # Set to YES to enable an IPv6 routing daemon.
ipv6_router="/usr/sbin/route6d" # Name of IPv6 routing daemon.
ipv6_router_flags=""            # Flags to IPv6 routing daemon.
#ipv6_router_flags="-l"         # Example for route6d with only IPv6 site local
                                # addrs.
#ipv6_router_flags="-q"         # If you want to run a routing daemon on an end
                                # node, you should stop advertisement.
#ipv6_network_interfaces="ed0 ep0"      # Examples for router
                                        # or static configuration for end node.
                                        # Choose correct prefix value.
#ipv6_prefix_ed0="fec0:0000:0000:0001 fec0:0000:0000:0002"  # Examples for rtr.
#ipv6_prefix_ep0="fec0:0000:0000:0003 fec0:0000:0000:0004"  # Examples for rtr.
#ipv6_ifconfig_ed0="fec0:0:0:5::1 prefixlen 64" # Sample manual assign entry
#ipv6_ifconfig_ed0_alias0="fec0:0:0:5::2 prefixlen 64" # Sample alias entry.
ipv6_default_interface="NO"     # Default output interface for scoped addrs.
                                # Now this works only for IPv6 link local
                                # multicast addrs.
rtsol_flags=""                  # Flags to IPv6 router solicitation.
rtsold_enable="NO"              # Set to YES to enable an IPv6 router
                                # solicitation daemon.
rtsold_flags="-a"               # Flags to an IPv6 router solicitation
                                # daemon.
rtadvd_enable="NO"              # Set to YES to enable an IPv6 router
                                # advertisement daemon. If set to YES,
                                # this router becomes a possible candidate
                                # IPv6 default router for local subnets.
rtadvd_interfaces=""            # Interfaces rtadvd sends RA packets.
mroute6d_enable="NO"            # Do IPv6 multicast routing.
mroute6d_program="/usr/local/sbin/pim6dd"       # Name of IPv6 multicast
                                                # routing daemon.  You need to
                                                # install it from package or
                                                # port.
mroute6d_flags=""               # Flags to IPv6 multicast routing daemon.
stf_interface_ipv4addr=""       # Local IPv4 addr for 6to4 IPv6 over IPv4
                                # tunneling interface. Specify this entry
                                # to enable 6to4 interface.
stf_interface_ipv4plen="0"      # Prefix length for 6to4 IPv4 addr,
                                # to limit peer addr range. Effective value
                                # is 0-31.
stf_interface_ipv6_ifid="0:0:0:1"       # IPv6 interface id for stf0.
                                # If you like, you can set "AUTO" for this.
stf_interface_ipv6_slaid="0000" # IPv6 Site Level Aggregator for stf0
ipv6_faith_prefix="NO"          # Set faith prefix to enable a FAITH
                                # IPv6-to-IPv4 TCP translator.  You also need
                                # faithd(8) setup.
ipv6_ipv4mapping="NO"           # Set to "YES" to enable IPv4 mapped IPv6 addr
                                # communication. (like ::ffff:a.b.c.d)
ipv6_ipfilter_rules="/etc/ipf6.rules"   # rules definition file for ipfilter,
                                        # see /usr/src/contrib/ipfilter/rules
                                        # for examples
ip6addrctl_enable="YES" # Set to YES to enable default address selection
ip6addrctl_verbose="NO" # Set to YES to enable verbose configuration messages

###  System console options  #################################

keyboard=""             # keyboard device to use (default /dev/kbd0).
keymap="NO"             # keymap in /usr/share/syscons/keymaps/* (or NO).
keyrate="NO"            # keyboard rate to: slow, normal, fast (or NO).
keybell="NO"            # See kbdcontrol(1) for options.  Use "off" to disable.
keychange="NO"          # function keys default values (or NO).
cursor="NO"             # cursor type {normal|blink|destructive} (or NO).
scrnmap="NO"            # screen map in /usr/share/syscons/scrnmaps/* (or NO).
font8x16="NO"           # font 8x16 from /usr/share/syscons/fonts/* (or NO).
font8x14="NO"           # font 8x14 from /usr/share/syscons/fonts/* (or NO).
font8x8="NO"            # font 8x8 from /usr/share/syscons/fonts/* (or NO).
blanktime="300"         # blank time (in seconds) or "NO" to turn it off.
saver="NO"              # screen saver: Uses /boot/kernel/${saver}_saver.ko
moused_nondefault_enable="YES" # Treat non-default mice as enabled unless
                               # specifically overriden in rc.conf(5).
moused_enable="NO"      # Run the mouse daemon.
moused_type="auto"      # See man page for rc.conf(5) for available settings.
moused_port="/dev/psm0" # Set to your mouse port.
moused_flags=""         # Any additional flags to moused.
mousechar_start="NO"    # if 0xd0-0xd3 default range is occupied in your
                        # language code table, specify alternative range
                        # start like mousechar_start=3, see vidcontrol(1)
allscreens_flags=""     # Set this vidcontrol mode for all virtual screens
allscreens_kbdflags=""  # Set this kbdcontrol mode for all virtual screens

###  Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) options  ######################

                        # Script to start your chosen MTA, called by /etc/rc.
# Settings for /etc/rc.sendmail and /etc/rc.d/sendmail:
sendmail_enable="NO"    # Run the sendmail inbound daemon (YES/NO).
sendmail_pidfile="/var/run/sendmail.pid"        # sendmail pid file
sendmail_procname="/usr/sbin/sendmail"          # sendmail process name
sendmail_flags="-L sm-mta -bd -q30m" # Flags to sendmail (as a server)
sendmail_submit_enable="YES"    # Start a localhost-only MTA for mail submission
sendmail_submit_flags="-L sm-mta -bd -q30m -ODaemonPortOptions=Addr=localhost"
                                # Flags for localhost-only MTA
sendmail_outbound_enable="YES"  # Dequeue stuck mail (YES/NO).
sendmail_outbound_flags="-L sm-queue -q30m" # Flags to sendmail (outbound only)
sendmail_msp_queue_enable="YES" # Dequeue stuck clientmqueue mail (YES/NO).
sendmail_msp_queue_flags="-L sm-msp-queue -Ac -q30m"
                                # Flags for sendmail_msp_queue daemon.
sendmail_rebuild_aliases="NO"   # Run newaliases if necessary (YES/NO).

###  Miscellaneous administrative options  ###################

auditd_enable="NO"      # Run the audit daemon.
auditd_program="/usr/sbin/auditd"       # Path to the audit daemon.
auditd_flags=""         # Which options to pass to the audit daemon.
cron_enable="YES"       # Run the periodic job daemon.
cron_program="/usr/sbin/cron"   # Which cron executable to run (if enabled).
cron_dst="YES"          # Handle DST transitions intelligently (YES/NO)
cron_flags=""           # Which options to pass to the cron daemon.
lpd_enable="NO"         # Run the line printer daemon.
lpd_program="/usr/sbin/lpd"     # path to lpd, if you want a different one.
lpd_flags=""            # Flags to lpd (if enabled).
nscd_enable="NO"        # Run the nsswitch caching daemon.
chkprintcap_enable="NO" # Run chkprintcap(8) before running lpd.
chkprintcap_flags="-d"  # Create missing directories by default.
dumpdev="NO"            # Device to crashdump to (device name, AUTO, or NO).
dumpdir="/var/crash"    # Directory where crash dumps are to be stored
savecore_flags=""       # Used if dumpdev is enabled above, and present.
crashinfo_enable="YES"  # Automatically generate crash dump summary.
crashinfo_program="/usr/sbin/crashinfo" # Script to generate crash dump summary.
quota_enable="NO"       # turn on quotas on startup (or NO).
check_quotas="YES"      # Check quotas on startup (or NO).
quotaon_flags="-a"      # Turn quotas on for all file systems (if enabled)
quotaoff_flags="-a"     # Turn quotas off for all file systems at shutdown
quotacheck_flags="-a"   # Check all file system quotas (if enabled)
accounting_enable="NO"  # Turn on process accounting (or NO).
ibcs2_enable="NO"       # Ibcs2 (SCO) emulation loaded at startup (or NO).
ibcs2_loaders="coff"    # List of additional Ibcs2 loaders (or NO).

# Emulation/compatibility services provided by /etc/rc.d/abi
sysvipc_enable="NO"     # Load System V IPC primitives at startup (or NO).
linux_enable="NO"       # Linux binary compatibility loaded at startup (or NO).
svr4_enable="NO"        # SysVR4 emulation loaded at startup (or NO).
clear_tmp_enable="NO"   # Clear /tmp at startup.
clear_tmp_X="YES"       # Clear and recreate X11-related directories in /tmp
ldconfig_insecure="NO"  # Set to YES to disable ldconfig security checks
ldconfig_paths="/usr/lib/compat /usr/local/lib /usr/local/lib/compat/pkg"
                        # shared library search paths
ldconfig32_paths="/usr/lib32" # 32-bit compatibility shared library search paths
ldconfig_paths_aout="/usr/lib/compat/aout /usr/local/lib/aout"
                        # a.out shared library search paths
                        # Local directories with ldconfig configuration files.
                        # Local directories with 32-bit compatibility ldconfig
                        # configuration files.
kern_securelevel_enable="NO"    # kernel security level (see security(7))
kern_securelevel="-1"   # range: -1..3 ; `-1' is the most insecure
                        # Note that setting securelevel to 0 will result
                        # in the system booting with securelevel set to 1, as
                        # init(8) will raise the level when rc(8) completes.
update_motd="YES"       # update version info in /etc/motd (or NO)
entropy_file="/entropy" # Set to NO to disable caching entropy through reboots.
                        # /var/db/entropy-file is preferred if / is not avail.
entropy_dir="/var/db/entropy" # Set to NO to disable caching entropy via cron.
entropy_save_sz="2048"  # Size of the entropy cache files.
entropy_save_num="8"    # Number of entropy cache files to save.
harvest_interrupt="YES" # Entropy device harvests interrupt randomness
harvest_ethernet="YES"  # Entropy device harvests ethernet randomness
harvest_p_to_p="YES"    # Entropy device harvests point-to-point randomness
dmesg_enable="YES"      # Save dmesg(8) to /var/run/dmesg.boot
watchdogd_enable="NO"   # Start the software watchdog daemon
watchdogd_flags=""      # Flags to watchdogd (if enabled)
devfs_rulesets="/etc/defaults/devfs.rules /etc/devfs.rules" # Files containing
                                                            # devfs(8) rules.
devfs_system_ruleset="" # The name (NOT number) of a ruleset to apply to /dev
devfs_set_rulesets=""   # A list of /mount/dev=ruleset_name settings to
                        # apply (must be mounted already, i.e. fstab(5))
devfs_load_rulesets="NO"        # Enable to always load the default rulesets
performance_cx_lowest="HIGH"    # Online CPU idle state
performance_cpu_freq="NONE"     # Online CPU frequency
economy_cx_lowest="HIGH"        # Offline CPU idle state
economy_cpu_freq="NONE"         # Offline CPU frequency
virecover_enable="YES"  # Perform housekeeping for the vi(1) editor
ugidfw_enable="NO"      # Load mac_bsdextended(4) rules on boot
bsdextended_script="/etc/rc.bsdextended"        # Default mac_bsdextended(4)
                                                # ruleset file.
newsyslog_enable="YES"  # Run newsyslog at startup.
newsyslog_flags="-CN"   # Newsyslog flags to create marked files
mixer_enable="YES"      # Run the sound mixer.

### Jail Configuration #######################################
jail_enable="NO"        # Set to NO to disable starting of any jails
jail_list=""            # Space separated list of names of jails
jail_set_hostname_allow="YES" # Allow root user in a jail to change its hostname
jail_socket_unixiproute_only="YES" # Route only TCP/IP within a jail
jail_sysvipc_allow="NO" # Allow SystemV IPC use from within a jail

# To use rc's built-in jail infrastructure create entries for
# each jail, specified in jail_list, with the following variables.
# - replace 'example' with the jail's name.
# - except rootdir, hostname, ip and the _multi<n> addresses,
#   all of the following variables may be made global jail variables
#   if you don't specify a jail name (ie. jail_interface, jail_devfs_ruleset).
#jail_example_rootdir="/usr/jail/default"       # Jail's root directory
#jail_example_hostname="default.domain.com"     # Jail's hostname
#jail_example_interface=""                      # Jail's interface variable to create IP aliases on
#jail_example_fib="0"                           # Routing table for setfib(1)
#jail_example_ip=",2001:db8::17"      # Jail's primary IPv4 and IPv6 address
#jail_example_ip_multi0="2001:db8::10"          #  and another IPv6 address
#jail_example_exec_start="/bin/sh /etc/rc"              # command to execute in jail for starting
#jail_example_exec_afterstart0="/bin/sh command"        # command to execute after the one for
                                                        # starting the jail. More than one can be
                                                        # specified using a trailing number
#jail_example_exec_stop="/bin/sh /etc/rc.shutdown"      # command to execute in jail for stopping
#jail_example_devfs_enable="NO"                 # mount devfs in the jail
#jail_example_devfs_ruleset="ruleset_name"      # devfs ruleset to apply to jail -
                                                # usually you want "devfsrules_jail".
#jail_example_fdescfs_enable="NO"               # mount fdescfs in the jail
#jail_example_procfs_enable="NO"                # mount procfs in jail
#jail_example_mount_enable="NO"                 # mount/umount jail's fs
#jail_example_fstab=""                          # fstab(5) for mount/umount
#jail_example_flags="-l -U root"                # flags for jail(8)

### Define source_rc_confs, the mechanism used by /etc/rc.* ##
### scripts to source rc_conf_files overrides safely.       ##

if [ -z "${source_rc_confs_defined}" ]; then
        source_rc_confs () {
                local i sourced_files
                for i in ${rc_conf_files}; do
                        case ${sourced_files} in
                                if [ -r $i ]; then
                                        . $i

Сообщения: 662
Зарегистрирован: 2011-04-25 11:40:35
Контактная информация:

Re: Непонятные процессы грузт проц

Непрочитанное сообщение GhOsT_MZ » 2012-05-31 10:02:59

Е-мое... извиняюсь, я тормоз((
это init запустил sh /etc/rc с параметром autoboot... это нормальное поведение. А вот этот скрипт запустил какой-то другой скрипт, который грузит систему...
Грузит систему этот скрипт: /etc/rc.d/gptboot
Если он не нужен, то можно в rc.conf добавить строчку:

Код: Выделить всё


Dark Smoke
ст. сержант
Сообщения: 313
Зарегистрирован: 2009-02-25 0:03:43
Откуда: Днепропетровск
Контактная информация:

Re: Непонятные процессы грузт проц

Непрочитанное сообщение Dark Smoke » 2012-05-31 10:08:57

Что значит не нужен? Можно подробнее?
У меня винчестеры по 3Тб. Я их GPart'ом разбивал.

Сообщения: 662
Зарегистрирован: 2011-04-25 11:40:35
Контактная информация:

Re: Непонятные процессы грузт проц

Непрочитанное сообщение GhOsT_MZ » 2012-05-31 10:48:44

На самом деле его цель - отправка оповещения о результате загрузки и последующие снятие этого аттрибута с диска.
Вот так он описан в rc.conf:

Код: Выделить всё

gptboot_enable="YES"    # GPT boot success/failure reporting.
В скрипте используется только эта процедура:

Код: Выделить всё

        gpart show | \
                egrep '(^=>| freebsd-ufs .*(\[|,)(bootfailed|bootonce)(,|\]))' | \
                sed 's/^=>//' | \
                egrep -v '(\[|,)bootme(,|\])' | \
        while read start size pos type attrs rest; do
                case "${pos}" in
                        if [ -n "${disk}" ]; then
                                echo "${attrs}" | egrep -q '(\[|,)bootfailed(,|\])'
                                echo "${attrs}" | egrep -q '(\[|,)bootonce(,|\])'
                                if [ ${bootfailed} -eq 0 ]; then
                                        logger -t gptboot -p local0.notice "Boot from ${part} failed."
                                        gpart unset -a bootfailed -i ${pos} ${disk} >/dev/null
                                elif [ ${bootonce} -eq 0 ]; then
                                        # We want to log success after all failures.
                                        echo -n "Boot from ${part} succeeded."
                                        gpart unset -a bootonce -i ${pos} ${disk} >/dev/null
                        if [ "${type}" = "GPT" ]; then
        done | logger -t gptboot -p local0.notice
В принципе ничего сложного. Вызываем gpart show, выбираем из него нужную нам информацию и обрабатываем ее. Может и глупо, но можно попробовать пробежаться по выполняемым им командам и посмотреть что все таки на вывод отправляется или лучше всего конечно посмотреть /var/log/messages на предмет ошибок... но если сервер запущен давно, то будет проблематично чтото найти