Полный лог загрузки:
Код: Выделить всё
*** Registering components in: xpconnect
*** Registering components in: nsUCvMathModule
*** Registering components in: nsUConvModule
*** Registering components in: nsI18nModule
*** Registering components in: nsChardetModule
*** Registering components in: nsUniversalCharDetModule
*** Registering components in: necko
*** Registering components in: nsCookieModule
*** Registering components in: nsPermissionsModule
*** Registering components in: nsAuthModule
*** Registering components in: nsJarModule
*** Registering components in: ZipWriterModule
*** Registering components in: nsPrefModule
*** Registering components in: nsSecurityManagerModule
*** Registering components in: nsRDFModule
*** Registering components in: nsXPIntlModule
*** Registering components in: nsWindowDataSourceModule
*** Registering components in: nsParserModule
*** Registering components in: nsGfxModule
*** Registering components in: nsWidgetGtk2Module
*** Registering components in: nsImageLib2Module
*** Registering components in: nsPluginModule
*** Registering components in: nsLayoutModule
*** Registering components in: docshell_provider
*** Registering components in: embedcomponents
*** Registering components in: Browser_Embedding_Module
*** Registering components in: nsAccessibilityModule
*** Registering components in: appshell
*** Registering components in: nsTransactionManagerModule
*** Registering components in: nsComposerModule
*** Registering components in: nsChromeModule
*** Registering components in: application
*** Registering components in: nsFindComponent
*** Registering components in: Apprunner
*** Registering components in: CommandLineModule
*** Registering components in: nsFileViewModule
*** Registering components in: mozStorageModule
*** Registering components in: nsPlacesModule
*** Registering components in: tkAutoCompleteModule
*** Registering components in: satchel
*** Registering components in: PKI
*** Registering components in: nsToolkitCompsModule
*** Registering components in: RemoteServiceModule
*** Registering components in: nsSoftwareUpdate
*** Registering components in: JavaScript_Debugger
*** Registering components in: BOOT
*** Registering components in: NSS
*** Registering components in: nsSystemPrefModule
*** Registering components in: nsAutoConfigModule
*** Registering components in: mozSpellCheckerModule
*** Registering components in: nsUnixProxyModule
*** Registering components in: jsctypes
WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result 0x80004005: file nsXREDirProvider.cpp, line 1245
WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mHiddenWindow) failed: file nsAppShellService.cpp, line 399
pldhash: for the table at address 0x86525d8, the given entrySize of 48 probably favors chaining over double hashing.
++DOCSHELL 0x8652570 == 1
pldhash: for the table at address 0x88749e8, the given entrySize of 48 probably favors chaining over double hashing.
++DOMWINDOW == 1 (0x813ee50) [serial = 1] [outer = 0x0]
pldhash: for the table at address 0x8652ba8, the given entrySize of 48 probably favors chaining over double hashing.
++DOCSHELL 0x8652b40 == 2
++DOMWINDOW == 2 (0x813f3c0) [serial = 2] [outer = 0x0]
++DOMWINDOW == 3 (0x813f590) [serial = 3] [outer = 0x813f390]
++DOMWINDOW == 4 (0x8140070) [serial = 4] [outer = 0x813ee20]
pldhash: for the table at address 0x8653938, the given entrySize of 48 probably favors chaining over double hashing.
++DOCSHELL 0x86538d0 == 3
++DOMWINDOW == 5 (0x8140980) [serial = 5] [outer = 0x0]
pldhash: for the table at address 0x8653b28, the given entrySize of 48 probably favors chaining over double hashing.
++DOCSHELL 0x8653ac0 == 4
++DOMWINDOW == 6 (0x8140b50) [serial = 6] [outer = 0x0]
pldhash: for the table at address 0x8655838, the given entrySize of 48 probably favors chaining over double hashing.
++DOCSHELL 0x86557d0 == 5
WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(browserChrome) failed: file nsDocShell.cpp, line 9897
WARNING: Something wrong when creating the docshell for a frameloader!: file nsFrameLoader.cpp, line 912
WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result 0x80004005: file nsFrameLoader.cpp, line 936
WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result 0x80004005: file nsFrameLoader.cpp, line 193
pldhash: for the table at address 0x8655c18, the given entrySize of 48 probably favors chaining over double hashing.
++DOCSHELL 0x8655bb0 == 6
++DOMWINDOW == 7 (0x83512b0) [serial = 7] [outer = 0x0]
WARNING: Subdocument container has no frame: file nsDocumentViewer.cpp, line 2383
++DOMWINDOW == 8 (0x8143e10) [serial = 8] [outer = 0x8140950]
WARNING: Subdocument container has no frame: file nsDocumentViewer.cpp, line 2383
++DOMWINDOW == 9 (0x8143fe0) [serial = 9] [outer = 0x8140b20]
++DOMWINDOW == 10 (0x8352970) [serial = 10] [outer = 0x8351280]
JavaScript strict warning: chrome://searchstatus/content/searchstatus.js, line 2306: assignment to undeclared variable i
JavaScript strict warning: chrome://searchstatus/content/searchstatus.js, line 2177: assignment to undeclared variable prbuf
JavaScript strict warning: chrome://searchstatus/content/searchstatus.js, line 2320: assignment to undeclared variable bitOrder
pldhash: for the table at address 0x94d2358, the given entrySize of 52 probably favors chaining over double hashing.
Xinerama superpowers activated for 2 screens!
WARNING: Positioned frame that does not handle positioned kids; looking further up the parent chain: file nsCSSFrameConstructor.cpp, line 5727
WARNING: Positioned frame that does not handle positioned kids; looking further up the parent chain: file nsCSSFrameConstructor.cpp, line 5727
WARNING: Positioned frame that does not handle positioned kids; looking further up the parent chain: file nsCSSFrameConstructor.cpp, line 5727
pldhash: for the table at address 0x8657d08, the given entrySize of 48 probably favors chaining over double hashing.
++DOCSHELL 0x8657ca0 == 7
++DOMWINDOW == 11 (0x8353770) [serial = 11] [outer = 0x0]
++DOMWINDOW == 12 (0x8353930) [serial = 12] [outer = 0x8353740]
WARNING: Positioned frame that does not handle positioned kids; looking further up the parent chain: file nsCSSFrameConstructor.cpp, line 5727
++DOMWINDOW == 13 (0x8353af0) [serial = 13] [outer = 0x8353740]
++DOMWINDOW == 14 (0x8353e70) [serial = 14] [outer = 0x8351280]
pldhash: for the table at address 0x8658c88, the given entrySize of 48 probably favors chaining over double hashing.
++DOCSHELL 0x8658c20 == 8
++DOMWINDOW == 15 (0x98d7530) [serial = 15] [outer = 0x0]
WARNING: Unable to test style tree integrity -- no content node: file nsCSSFrameConstructor.cpp, line 7945
++DOMWINDOW == 16 (0x98d76f0) [serial = 16] [outer = 0x98d7500]
++DOMWINDOW == 17 (0x98d78b0) [serial = 17] [outer = 0x98d7500]
JavaScript strict warning: chrome://searchstatus/content/searchstatus.js, line 2726: assignment to undeclared variable integerIndex
JavaScript strict warning: chrome://searchstatus/content/searchstatus.js, line 2727: assignment to undeclared variable patternIndex
WARNING: Unable to test style tree integrity -- no content node: file nsCSSFrameConstructor.cpp, line 7945
WARNING: Unable to test style tree integrity -- no content node: file nsCSSFrameConstructor.cpp, line 7945
*** loading ISO8601DateUtils
Assertion failed: (!db || sqlite3_mutex_held(db->mutex)), function sqlite3ApiExit, file sqlite3.c, line 15934.
Abort trap (core dumped)