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Netstat в 9 Урезали?

Добавлено: 2012-05-22 8:54:19
netstat -i | -I interface [-abdhntW] [-f address_family] [-M core]
[-N system]
Show the state of all network interfaces or a single interface
which have been auto-configured (interfaces statically configured
into a system, but not located at boot time are not shown). An
asterisk (“*”) after an interface name indicates that the inter?
face is “down”. If -a is also present, multicast addresses cur?
rently in use are shown for each Ethernet interface and for each
IP interface address. Multicast addresses are shown on separate
lines following the interface address with which they are associ?
ated. If -b is also present, show the number of bytes in and
out. If -d is also present, show the number of dropped packets.
If -h is also present, print all counters in human readable form.
If -t is also present, show the contents of watchdog timers. If
-W is also present, print interface names using a wider field
netstat -i | -I interface [-abdhnW] [-f address_family] [-M core]
[-N system]
Show the state of all network interfaces or a single interface
which have been auto-configured (interfaces statically configured
into a system, but not located at boot time are not shown). An
asterisk (``*'') after an interface name indicates that the
interface is ``down''. If -a is also present, multicast
addresses currently in use are shown for each Ethernet interface
and for each IP interface address. Multicast addresses are shown
on separate lines following the interface address with which they
are associated. If -b is also present, show the number of bytes
in and out. If -d is also present, show the number of dropped
packets. If -h is also present, print all counters in human
readable form. If -W is also present, print interface names
using a wider field size.

Re: Netstat в 9 Урезали?

Добавлено: 2012-11-10 10:33:35
Alex Keda
а ты это использовал?